Sunday, March 3, 2013

Winter Break...our first 6 weeks of HS!

My husband and I agreed to withdraw our children from public school just this past Christmas break (2012).  I had dreamed of homeschooling for the prior 3 1/2 years!  It was a great conviction of mine after watching's "Financial Freedom Seminar."

I've also spent the last 3 1/2 years researching homeschooling laws, methods...everything!  So when we pulled our boys out, I had one version of how our 'school' would look.  Then after two weeks of it not working, I decided to take a winter break over the month of February.  BEST. IDEA. EVERRRR!

The boys have taken up tumbling!

We've done some school time!

We visited our friend's farm to see their new baby piglets!

We've started training Blaire to play quietly on her own!

We've also enjoyed studying Alaska with our homeschool group!

We also have studied magnets with our group!  We have about 20 kids involved with our county group!

We've also done a LOT of playing!

Overall, we have just had fun, gotten used to being with each other, and tried to figure out what it is we like to do!

We've found that neither of the boys like doing actual "school work."  The great thing about homeschooling is that we get to do whatever we want...our school day doesn't have to look like a school day at a public school.  And at ages 7 and just turning 6, I don't think they should have to!  

How will they LEARN?!  Stay tuned!

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